Monday, December 28, 2009

Sir, Yes Sir!

I've entered the ranks of the running coaches. My Christmas gift to my mom is to help her train for a 5K road race. She's never run before, but given her stress levels, I think running (or any endurance sport) will benefit her.

My broken foot doesn't feel much better - maybe I should stop trying to do "climbs" on the spin bikes? Also, I may have cracked my shin slipping on some icy stairs three weeks ago. Good thing I can't run anyway. Biking is great though - I took the Carema up to the balloon park and rode loops (the criterion loop) for half an hour. Practiced turning, clipping in and out, and general control. It may take some time to master handling, but I think I'm well suited to cycling, given my long quads and love of prolonged pain.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Carema -ma -ma-ma-ma!

New and proud owner of a used Novara Carema road bike :D

It is gorgeous. Only a year or two old, immaculate condition, clip petals and drop bars. Nevermind that it is REI brand - it was a steal at $325. Also, Mark, my dad's bike-fiend friend (he owns at least five bikes) recommended it as a solid beginner bike.

It's in the shop right now for a basic tune up, but I've got a new helmet, shorts, and shoes (Christmas presents, of course). I can't wait to ride! I never thought being injured would be this much fun. Last spring was awful for me - patellar tracking kept me off my feet for four months - so diversifying my athletic interests is a good idea. No need to stress out when I get hurt, and more cross training might prevent injuries altogether.

Food for thought

Complements of the Team Estrogen community forum:

Just wanted to share my own biking/running journey to give you some hope re: running. Like you, I was a competitive runner but, from college on, was sidelined by injuries over and over again. That went on for 18 years, until last winter, when I decided something had to change and added biking (and swimming) to my running. I dropped my runs from 5-6 weekly to 2-3 weekly. It has been almost a year. I've discovered...

1) I like biking and swimming as much as running!
2) I have had no major injuries over the past year -- a record!
3) Entirely unexpectedly, I am running 5K and 10K times that are as fast as what I ran when I was 18! (I'm 37 now.) Yet... I'm not doing 30-40 mile weeks (though I do hard interval sets), I'm not sore all the time, and I look forward to every single one of my runs.

I never thought I'd be at this point again in my lifetime. Good luck with biking, and enjoy this journey!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

survival and stress fractures

I'm twenty today. I have never before had a birthday that feels like a victory; there was a time when I didn't think I would make it this far, and today represents a success on my part, and perhaps reflects my strong will to live. The self-preservation that effects my thoughts and actions is good for something.

On a . . . lighter? . . . note, the third metatarsal of my right foot is in danger of snapping. I felt the stress fracture break on a run the other week, but I didn't make the connection between pain and broken until a few nights ago. So, running is out for six weeks. As is skiing, hiking, and all of the other things I was looking forward to at home.

I guess I can always bike?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Run, Rabbit, Run

Sometimes when I run, I get into this bizarre hunter/survival state. For instance, tonight I was cruising along on a berm loop enjoying the darkness and the crunchy snow when a rabbit darted out from a shrub. My first instinct was to chase it down and spear it (with the spear I carry while running?).

Then I realized that might look odd to the sledders on the hill behind me. Not to mention I know nothing about hunting or cleaning rabbits.

The rabbit got away, and I was forced to go to the dining hall for dinner.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

High Heels

Well, I managed to ravage my already-broken feet last night by galavanting about campus in a pair of three-inch heels.

Calluses are cracking and the balls of my feet are terribly bruised. On top of all this, I've been lacing my shoes too tightly, and the tendons on top of my left foot are compressed and swollen.

What a disaster. My long run this morning ended up being two painful miles of decreasing pace - not a great feeling considering the fact that I ate a pork tenderloin LARGER THAN MY FACE last night. Ten bucks says this is a lousy week for body-confidence.

It might be time to adjust my winter training plan to something more reasonable. My ankles steadily complain more and more each day. Sheer laziness is the only thing holding me back from printing out a modified spreadsheet and taping it to my door. But, since I won't be running for a few days, I'll have a little bit more time, right?

Thursday, December 3, 2009



Yes, friends, that's right. Today was the first (of what I'm guessing will be A LOT) snowy run of the season. Even Arbor short loop is completely different when 1) vision is somewhat impaired; and 2) you can't tell exactly what kind of surface you're running on. However, there was a near incident involving a surprising icy patch and the lake.

Over all, a good 5 miles. 45:30-ish, thanks to the weather.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I looked in the locker room mirror today, and for the first time in months, said, "you have a great body", and meant it.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Gold, rose, violet, tangerine slashes
Breaking the clouds, cutting the blue.
A serene violence, battle in the sky.
A furious beauty, hiding her eyes.

Beautiful six miler, stunning colors. Felt great. 50:03.

And tonight, the first sober $lum experience of the year. Just remember, beer will not make you skinny nor fast.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Legends of the Fall

Regina, Iowa City: the truest cross country course I have ever run. Mud, hills, cold, logs, sticks, thorns, leaves. Repeat.

It was that feeling that comes deep from your gut, deep from your mind. The feeling of steadily holding your own against time against time, the pull from the runner in front of you and the push from the runner breathing heavily behind you. Force your legs up the hill, try to relax on the way down. Impossible - it's too muddy. Bank to bank of the trail, avoiding the mud that will suck your flats off your feet. It goes on for a while, maybe even too long. But it is so much fun!

Time-wise, too slow. Mentally, it was everything I could have wanted from a Thanksgiving Fun Run.